Analytic Testing
Why Analyze?
Regular media, irrigation water, soil, and plant tissue testing is
insurance against crop production disasters. The detection
and prevention of plant nutritional problems can be crucial to success. As
nutritional problems advance, plant damage can become irreversible
and crops unsellable or of lesser quality.
Grower Technical Services
Sun Gro® Horticulture provides the best testing services to meet grower needs. The following analyses and services are offered to optimize growing parameters:
- Growing Media Analysis
- Plant Pest and Pathology Services
- Plant Tissue Analysis
- Soil Analysis
- Water and Water-Soluble Fertilizer Analysis
Results are posted online and our specialists help interpret test results and provide additional recommendations and advice.

Growing Media Analysis:
Analysis of growing media consists of a “snapshot” of nutritional conditions at sampling time. This information helps growers optimize mixes to fit specific crop needs. Results can depend upon the most recent irrigation time (e.g. clear water leach, fertilizer application, or fungicide drench). This test often requires samples from both healthy and unhealthy plants.
Plant Tissue Analysis:
Plant tissue testing is the most effective method of identifying crop nutritional imbalances. Analyses provide a picture of the accumulated effects of your nutritional program on a given tested crop. For best results, include a matching media sample for each tissue sample. This test may require samples fro both healthy and unhealthy plants.

Water and Water-Soluble
Fertilizer Analysis:
Irrigation water analysis creates a “snapshot” of nutritional conditions and water quality at sampling time. We commonly test greenhouse and nursery irrigation water and water-soluble fertilizer solutions. This tells growers the chemical composition of irrigation water — allowing for the identification of poor water quality and optimization of fertilizer programs.
Periodic irrigation water tests are recommended as water quality can vary significantly between seasons and years. All on-site ponds, wells, and other water sources should be tested separately as their qualities can vary considerably. Fertilizer concentrations are often incorrect due to improper preparation or faulty injectors. Check-injectors with frequent soluble-salt readings and periodic complete nutritional analyses.
We also test dry fertilizers to ensure they meet expectations and standards.

Plant Pest and Pathology Services:
Growers experiencing unknown pest and disease problems can get help using our pest and pathology services. We analyze infected or impacted tissue and showing signs and symptoms of a pest/disease problem, identify the pest/pathogen, and find solutions for your growing operation. We also offer pesticide testing services.

Soil Analysis:
Ground soil analysis creates of a “snapshot” of soil quality and nutritional conditions at sampling time. We commonly test field, turf, and golf green soils. Soil quality can vary from one field to the next. Areas that differ in soil type, appearance, crop growth, or treatment should be sampled separately.