100% Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, the best all-purpose natural soil conditioner, is particularly suited to acid-loving plants, can slightly lower the pH of alkaline soils, and is ideal for improving water retention and aeration in garden soil.
Size: 3.0 CF (35/pallet)
Sunshine® Advanced Mix #4 Growing Mix
OMRI Listed for organic gardening, Sunshine® Advanced Mix #4 is recommended for indoor growing. This myco-active mix retains moisture while providing improved root aeration and drainage. Quantities are sold in loosefill bags. You should start your own feed program within 7 days of planting or seedling emergence.
Sunshine® Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss
Sunshine® Peat Moss is an organic soil conditioner recommended as a soil amendment or for seeding lawns. It is suited to acid-loving plants and can slightly lower the pH of more alkaline soils. Compressed bales are available for convenient storage and easy handling.
Sunshine® Mix #4 with Mycorrhizae
A premium mix for indoor growing, Sunshine® Mix #4 with Mycorrhizae contains a higher amount of
horticultural perlite for plants that prefer greater air porosity. Its our classic #4 boosted with endomycorrhizae. This product contains RESiLIENCE®, which may improve resistance to wilting. Low phosphorus fertilizer has been included to better support mycorrhizae establishment and growth. Start your own feeding program within 14 days of planting or seedling emergence.