This fast-draining medium formulation is ideal for succulent plants.
Its balanced blend of perlite/pumice or cinders, earthworm castings and compost
encourages vigorous growth while ensuring ample aeration and drainage
that most cacti, bromeliads and succulents require to thrive.
Advisory: Compost varies
Compost varies by region and may be derived from composted rice hulls, composted mushroom casing mix and/or composted dairy manure.
Black Gold® Natural & Organic African Violet Potting Mix 0.04-0.02-0.02
Picky African violets thrive in this blend which maintains a good balance between porosity and organic matter for happy, blooming plants with beautiful foliage.It is also suited to Gloxinia, Sinningia, Streptocarpus and other gesneriads and sensitive
container plants.
Black Gold® Natural & Organic Garden Compost Blend
Gardeners use this all natural blend as a raised bed amendment and garden mulch. It is perfect for enriching an existing bed, creating
new flower or vegetable gardens. This compost blend can improve native soil to
establish a lawn area.
Improves soil moisture retention, aeration and drainage.
OMRI Listed®
Black Gold® Moisture Supreme Container Mix 0.10 – 0.06 – 0.13
Black Gold® Moisture Supreme Container mix is specifically formulated for all your patio plants, hanging baskets and window boxes.
Black Gold® All Purpose Potting Mix 0.13 – 0.04 – 0.13
This nutrient-rich blend is great for indoor and outdoor container plantings. It provides superior moisture retention, excellent drainage and is specially formulated with a controlled release fertilizer that feeds plants for up to six months.
Black Gold® Natural & Organic Potting Mix 0.09 – 0.03 – 0.03
Made from the finest ingredients, our Natural & Organic Potting Mix is an all-purpose mix recommended for containers and raised beds and ensures good aeration.
Fafard® Garden Manure Blend
This amendment is best used for the enrichment of annual and perennial flower beds, vegetable gardens, and areas around shrubs, trees, and lawns.